8 Real Estate Tech & Marketing Trends to Embrace
Are you overwhelmed by the latest marketing trends that promise more leads and sales?
Are you ready to throw your computer against the wall trying to figure out which real estate app or software is worth your time?
Although the technology and marketing trends may come and go, one thing is for sure — relationships are the key to building a resilient, successful business. Many agents become so wrapped up in pouncing on the latest trend that promises to boost their businesses that they forget about their clients, the people who drive their businesses. A true professional is able to select the trends that benefit their businesses the most so they can spend their time doing what they do best—serving their clients.
Enhance your relationships and drive referrals!
Register for Buffini & Company GameChangers, a one-day event that features a lineup of Buffini & Company’s top trainers presenting rock-solid content. You’ll get the tools you need to generate more leads, effectively manage your time, and master the use of technology in your business. Click here to learn more or call 1-800-945-3485 x2.