Buffini & Company Resources

Rent vs. Buy

Rent vs Buy
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To rent or to buy? This is a common question for many people. While renting can be a good option for people who aren’t ready to settle, it’s actually not more cost-effective in the long run. Over time, investing in a home of one’s own will actually save money for a family or individual.

This infographic is your guide to explaining renting versus owning and demonstrating how a home purchase will ultimately benefit the buyer. Share it with your clients – or potential clients – to help clear up some frequently asked questions. “Buy buy,” monthly rent!

Make sure you are the first professional these folks think of when they decide to make the jump from renting to owning a home. Buffini & Company Referral Maker PRO is a monthly marketing kit that includes  items of value for agents to send to a database. These consistent mailings and emails will keep you top of mind for all your clients’ real estate needs! Call 800-945-3485 x2 for your free business consultation.

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