Buffini & Company Resources

The Ultimate Guide to Your Mid-Year Check-In | Buffini

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In the ever-changing real estate market, it’s common to feel caught up in chaos. That’s why it’s important to take a mid-year break and R.E.A.D. — Review, Examine, Assess and Design — your business plan.

Use this worksheet to track the progress you’ve made on your goals and metrics so far this year. Taking the time to do so will provide clarity and focus and help direct you onto the right path so you’ll have a successful second half of the year, no matter what the market does.

Need help performing a check in and designing a winning business plan? Sign up to work with an experienced real estate coach! Buffini & Company One2One Coaching ™ provides you with valuable accountability and guidance to get more real estate leads, close more deals and increase your income. Get started with a business consultation today!

Related posts: What’s Your Lead Generation Style?, 10 Podcasts To Inspire Your Entrepreneurial Journey, Keep Your Clients Homes Safe And Sound

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