How to Set and Accomplish Goals

Everyone has a dream. Maybe you want to visit the Great Wall of China or own your own business someday. But how many times have you caught yourself dreaming about these accomplishments without acting on them?
Figuring out how to make these all happen isn’t easy! That’s why we created this eBook – to provide you with a road map walking you through how to make dreams into goals, and goals into reality. Find out the difference between a dream and a goal, and the steps you need to take to create these goals. You’ll develop a sense of urgency and assign some long overdue timelines to those reach goals.
Download this free eBook and keep it handy when you create your business plan, or set goals with your spouse and family.
For some accountability on your journey, you’ll want a coach. Buffini & Company One2One Coaching guides business professionals around the world toward a successful balance of business, financial and personal growth. They help you not to just set goals, but to achieve them! Sign up for your business consultation today.