Buffini & Company Resources

What to Do When You’re Stuck in a Rut

Everyone gets stuck in a rut sometimes. Life is full of peaks and valleys, but the key is to recognize when you’re feeling stuck so you can begin pursuing things that help you change your mindset and improve your attitude. This way, you’ll be able to operate at your best again.


Why We Get ‘Stuck’

There are a few reasons why we may feel stuck every now and then. Negative self-talk is a big one. If you’re constantly self-critical, your mood is going to take a dip. It’s also easy to feel stuck when you’ve been isolated from others, regardless of whether you’re an introvert or extrovert. In addition, “doom-scrolling” and overconsumption of negative news have also brought a lot of us down in the past year.

Navigating Your Rut

Before you can move past your rut, it’s important to give yourself grace. Talk to yourself kindly, celebrate what’s gone well—and remember that while remaining positive may take some work, it’s worth it. If you notice your alone time turning into isolation, call a friend or family member for some healthy connection. It may also help to check out a few personal growth books or motivational podcasts to give you some new direction.

Getting Unstuck

When you’re ready to get unstuck once and for all, there are a few steps you can take. The first is to practice self-care. Focus on maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise and consistent sleep. Next, you’ll want to identify how you can serve others. Whether you volunteer, perform a random act of kindness or help a friend, these actions have the power to instantly lift your spirits. Finally, you’ll want to make sure you are putting the good stuff in. Keep a close eye on what you’re reading, watching and listening to, and prioritize quality content that uplifts, informs and educates. It’s completely normal to feel stuck from time to time. It’s how you choose to move past your rut that determines your success in the future. “The Brian Buffini Show” can help you stay on the right path. This podcast explores the mindsets, motivations and methodologies of success to help business owners stay focused, positive and inspired. Listen today on your favorite podcast app and take the first step in getting out of your rut.

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