Buffini & Company Resources

Why an Accountability Partner Is Key to a Successful Real Estate Career

Originally posted on RISMedia.com

The path to success doesn’t have to be lonely. Whether you’ve hit a plateau or are struggling to stay afloat, an accountability partner can help you reach your full potential. This person can coach you on how to stay driven and focused – motivating you yet keeping you accountable at the same time.

The advantages of having an accountability partner are plentiful. Here are four of the top benefits:

  1. Improved Focus
    As you work toward your goals, it’s easy to get distracted by shiny object syndrome or become overwhelmed. Having an accountability partner can prevent you from falling off course by reminding you of your end goals and encouraging you not to lose sight of them. They’ll be there to celebrate your wins while also making you aware of when you start to lose focus.
  1. Blind Spot Awareness
    Not recognizing your blind spots can impede your personal growth and create setbacks. But with an accountability partner, you have someone around you who can see your blind spots and help you overcome them. Becoming aware of your shortcomings and fixing them can mean the difference between failure and ongoing success.
  1. Unwavering Support
    Our accomplishments always seem so much more significant when we have someone celebrating them with us. An accountability partner will be there to celebrate your wins – big and small. And if you get off track, they will still be there to motivate you and offer unbiased advice on how to turn things around.
  1. Someone to Challenge You
    An accountability partner will help you avoid the temptation of playing it safe. They will challenge you and help you reach your full potential, taking your real estate career to new heights. They can help you push past your fears by providing you with the encouragement and action steps needed to keep moving forward.

Traits to Look for in an Accountability Partner
To truly benefit from an accountability partner, you need to make sure they’re the right fit. Here are some traits that yours should have:

  • You need someone who is goal-oriented. Someone who can help you clearly define your goals and ensure that they are SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.
  • Your accountability partner needs to have excellent time management skills. They should know firsthand how to help you to get organized and manage your time, so you can succeed in business and in life.
  • An accountability partner should be encouraging but also able to give constructive criticism. Afterall, you can’t grow and progress if you aren’t getting the right feedback.
  • A successful real estate career is built on relationships. Ensure that your accountability partner understands the importance of building relationships and encourages you to grow and connect with your database.

With an accountability partner on your side, you will be laser-focused and motivated to achieve your goals. For even more help navigating your real estate career, this free resource explains how you can better redistribute tasks in your business and at home. When you outsource the right way – whether it’s by getting an accountability coach or learning how to delegate – great things happen!

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