Buffini & Company Resources

Creating Your Comeback: What You Can Do Now to Win in 2021

2020 has been a very challenging year filled with difficulties. While it might be tempting to simply count down the days until the year is over, now is actually the perfect time to start looking to the future and proactively plan for the year to come. Take steps right now to set yourself up for phenomenal success in 2021.

Make Time to Reflect

No matter how busy you are, reflection pays off. When you take time to reflect on the past, you can move into the future with a renewed sense of purpose and direction. Ask yourself what goals you achieved in 2020, and what obstacles you encountered. There’s no need to beat yourself up if any goals fell by the wayside. Be honest and take stock of where you are right now to assess what you need to move forward.

Find Your Focus

In difficult times, we can lose our way. In “Think and Grow Rich,” Napoleon Hill taught that in order to be successful, you must really think. Ask yourself: Where are your thoughts and your energy directed? What do you want to achieve in 2021? If you don’t take the time to figure this out, you risk drifting along with no real sense of purpose, constantly making short-term decisions, feeling overwhelmed and never living the life you want. Zero in on your focus and then build a solid plan around it.

Build Reserves

If there’s anything this year has taught us, it’s the importance of reserves, both financial and emotional. Peaks and valleys will always be a constant in life, which is why it’s crucial to get into the habit of saving so that you have the ability to cover personal, home and even business expenses in difficult times. In addition to financial reserves, you also need emotional strength, which you can build by committing to ongoing personal growth and development. If you didn’t have the financial or emotional reserves to draw on this year, start building them now, so you always have a safety net going forward.

2020 may not have gone to plan for you, but, like a phoenix, you can rise from the ashes and make a comeback! Focus on what you can control to rebuild your foundation and start preparing for success in 2021. To tap into the sorts of powerful resources and support you need, and learn more about the mindsets, motivations and methodologies of success, tune into “The Brian Buffini Show” podcast today.

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